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Preservation Department


Welcome to the new home of Book_Arts-L

With the recent transfer of this international book arts listserv from Syracuse University to Emory Libraries, we are especially grateful to founder Peter Verheyen for not only creating this listserv at Cornell University in 1994 and hosting it at Syracuse University since 1995, but also for his trust and willingness to help with the transition to Emory. We could not imagine it happening without Peter's guidance! 

The structure of Emory Libraries and our Preservation Department ensures that the listserv will be in safe hands for the future. It may take a little time to organize this landing page and learn the ropes, but meanwhile, here are a few new things that everyone will need as Emory Libraries begins hosting Book_Arts-L:

Subscribers to Book_Arts-L acknowledge the understanding that any message posted or anything written about a subscriber is public information and may be shared on the global internet. Anyone with a web browser may access the Book_Arts-L Archives. Once archived, messages become part of the historical record of discourse in this field and will not be removed from the Archives.

The subscription process is completely automated. We do not manually add subscribers but will help you unsubscribe if your address has changed. Below, you will find all the commands needed to begin a subscription. In order to protect the privacy of subscribers, no membership information will be made public, though the poster's identity and email address will become part of the permanent record in the list archive. Postings may not be re-printed in any form without the express consent of the author - Please respect their contributions.



For your convenience, the commands are highlighted in red on this page; all you have to do is cut and paste. When you send your subscription message, you will be asked to confirm, after which you may issue other commands, such as digest.

If your browser and mail program are both properly configured, clicking on the command will send the correct message to this listserv for you, which reduces errors. If clicking on the links does not work, copy the specific red command and send to: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CC.EMORY.EDU


  • To subscribe to Book_Arts-L, send the following message:  subscribe Book_Arts-L "Yourfirstname Yourlastname"
    You must insert your actual name where it says yourfirstname yourlastname (without the "  " marks). You will also be asked to confirm your subscription for security reasons. After completing the subscription process, please check your email inbox for a message with instructions to change your subscription options.
  • To not receive a copy of your post, send this message:  set Book_Arts-L mail norepro
    By default, subscribers receive copies of their own post, but if you previously switched that off and now want copies of your own posts, send the following message:  set Book_Arts-L mail repro
  • To postpone your mail for vacation or any reason, send this message:  set Book_Arts-L nomail
  • To receive a daily digest of all posts, send this message:  set Book_Arts-L mail digest
  • To receive your post again later, send this message:  set Book_Arts-L mail
    If you received the digest, the correct message would be:  set Book_Arts-L mail digest
  • To unsubscribe send the message:  unsub Book_Arts-L

    These list commands must be sent to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CC.EMORY.EDU

If you are unsure about your browser or email setup, copy the red text and paste it into the body of your message to the listserv.
Proper syntax is important for these commands to work. 
All setting options are listed above in red.

To send a message to the list, and if you are a current subscriber, please address it to: 



You are responsible for all your own posts or those from your account. Please think before you post anything inflammatory which you may later regret. If it is confidential, do not send it. All posts are copyright of the respective poster but should be thought of as a publication in Book_Arts-L and its Archive. Your posts go to potentially 2300 subscribers around the world, and all messages are captured for the Archive. Once in the Archive, they will not be removed.

Please stay on topic without mention of politics, and avoid unnecessary replies to the entire list. Your local mail handler REPLY mechanism may direct your message to the entire list or to the person who sent the message to which you are replying. Please be sure to know the difference. You may wish to use FORWARD, MAIL, or SEND rather than using REPLY. Misdirected messages, especially those of a personal nature, are a source of amusement to the listserv members. Please do not admonish the offender, because we all make mistakes and mostly want the listserv to be civil and informative for all. Personal attacks of any kind will not be tolerated. The listserv functions well, but offenders may experience an imposed cooling-off period or removal from the list (via nopost / review).

Please include your name and any affiliation in the message for identification, as email header addresses are often unhelpful. Should the email address change or if it becomes changed, unsubscribe from the old address and resubscribe from the new one.


The Listowner can assist in unsubscribing from an old email address but cannot help resubscribe. If there are difficulties establishing a subscription, please contact the Listowner, as the subscription process itself is fully-automated.


Thanks so much in advance to the book arts community for your kind patience and understanding as we develop Book_Arts-L from Emory, mostly during the expected learning curve and necessary adjustments. If anyone ever has questions or needs anything, please do not hesitate to contact us through the listserv or Emory email ( and

Kim Norman
Director, Preservation and Digitization Services

Chella Vaidyanathan
European/World History and Philosophy Librarian