Review packets are assembled through the collaboration of the librarian up for review, their direct supervisor, and EUL HR. The calendar below provides a detailed summary of the process, highlighting important dates and the responsible parties. The word ‘packet’ refers to all of the assembled materials for the librarian under review.
Each year the review calendar is modified slightly from the outline in the Handbook to accommodate weekends and holidays, but the general timing and process remains the same from year to year. Appointment renewal and promotion-in-rank reviews are conducted annually by the PRC.
Please see the Forms and Additional Resources tab on the left for additional information.
Date |
Librarian |
Managers |
Mid-March | Emory Libraries (EL) HR will send out a notice for the Librarian Renewal and Promotion Process (notice is for librarians going up for renewal/promotion and their direct supervisor) | ||
By April 8 |
Librarian updates Curriculum Vita* (CV) and Professional Responsibilities Statement (PRS) and meets with direct supervisor to discuss reappointment and/or promotion-in-rank.** * You may update your CV as a Word doc that you can use to cut and paste current year Activities into Facet. ** Librarians going up for promotion should prepare a version of the CV that can be sent to references. |
Mid-April |
Librarian receives invitation from EL HR and attends 'info session.' | EL HR will facilitate an ‘info session’ for the Librarian Renewal and Promotion Process for librarians going up for renewal and/or promotion and their direct supervisor. | |
By April 29 |
Librarian notifies EL HR if seeking renewal or promotion-in-rank; librarian will cc direct supervisor as an informational item. If seeking promotion-in-rank, librarian submits names of references, updated CV, and PRS to EL HR. |
By May 1 | Librarian logs into Facet and begins entering current year Activities,1 Narrative of Accomplishment,2 and CV information. | ||
By May 13 | EL HR sends requests for reference letters to the referees IF a promotion is requested. | ||
By June 3 | Librarian drafts Statement of Professional Achievements (SOPA) and sends to manager as an informational item. | ||
By July 17 |
Deadline for librarian to enter current year Activities information into Facet and upload SOPA, PRS, and CV into appropriate sections of Facet case folder.3 Note: Librarian will send case forward to direct supervisor in Facet. |
Direct supervisor drafts recommendation and sends to librarian as an informational item. | Deadline for EL HR to compile reference letters from referees for those seeking promotion-in-rank. |
By July 29 | Direct supervisor’s recommendation is submitted to next level manager (if applicable) for review. | ||
By August 5 | Librarian and direct supervisor meet to discuss and finalize packet4 information in Facet. |
Librarian and direct supervisor meet to discuss and finalize packet4 information in Facet. |
By August 12 |
Hard deadline for packets to be completed; all librarian documents to include manager (and next level manager if applicable) recommendation uploaded into Facet. | Direct supervisor will log into Facet to upload recommendation letter completed with signature(s). | |
By Sept 3 |
EL HR enters performance ratings for the current renewal/promotion period, uploads previous years LAAAs,/LAAG, and reference letters (if applicable) into Facet. | ||
By or before Oct 1 |
EL HR will review packets and forward to Peer Review panels. |
By Nov 4 |
Peer Review Committee (PRC) completes all recommendations and sends to appropriate decision maker. |
By Dec 9 |
The appropriate Decision Maker completes the review of recommendations and packets. |
By Dec 13 |
EL HR will notify the librarian, direct supervisor, next level manager, and PRC Chair of decision on appointment renewal or promotion-in-rank. |
By Jan. 13 |
EL HR makes appropriate changes in librarian files (electronic) and handles any needed changes within PeopleSoft. Note: Promotion increases are effective on Jan 1. |
1Activities refers to the following areas: Scholarship & Creative Endeavors, Professional Development & Activity, and Campus & Academic Service.
2The Narrative of Accomplishment in Facet will replace the 2023 LAAG form that captured Annual Accomplishments and Goals. Goals will now be captured in the Talent Management System.
3EL HR will create a case folder in Facet for relevant document uploads, HR review, direct supervisor review, and Decision Maker review.
4Packet refers to relevant documents: Activities, Narrative of Accomplishment, CV, PRS, SOPA, manager recommendation, previous years LAAAs/LAAG, merit ratings, and reference letters.