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Canvas Analytics Exploratory Community of Practice

About Us

An exploratory professional learning community (PLC), organized by Teaching & Learning Technologies (TLT) that seeks to (1) identify and discuss ways that learning analytics are being utilized in Higher Education; and (2) explore potential research efforts & projects using Canvas Analytics. The Canvas Analytics CoP meets monthly from March –December 2018 to examine current projects at Emory University and other schools dealing with: institutional trends & changes, student engagement, and student learning. In January 2019, our group can decide to dissolve, or extend the meetings with a new 2019 charter.


Dana Smith Bryant, Lead Instructional Technologist, Teaching & Learning Technologies, Academic Technology Services (TLT/ATS) (Convener)

Sam Timme, Educational Analyst, TLT/ATS

Kim Braxton, Director, Academic Technology Services

Lee Clontz, Assistant Director, Academic Technologies, TLT/ATS

Tara McCurley, Assistant Director, Academic Technologies, Student Digital Life/ATS

Pat Culpepper, Senior Program Coordinator, Library Content, Woodruff Library

Stephen Kutzer, Director of IT Operations, Emory College

Adam Dobucki, Senior Manager, IT, Emory College

Susan Hobson, Director, Data Partnerships, Emory Undergraduate Initiative

Jaclyn Connor, Director of Academic Affairs/Instructional Design, Goizueta Business School

Geri Rivers, Instructional Content Developer, GBS

Roxanne Russell, Director of Online Learning, Candler School of Theology

Sarah Bogue, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Pitts Theology Library

Stephanie Parisi, Associate Director, Online Education, Center for Faculty Development & Excellence

Justin Shepherd, Director of Institutional Research and Decision Support, Office of Budgeting & Planning

Scott Foster, Director of Academic Technology, Oxford College

Lisa Ward, Educational Analyst, Oxford College