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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Join the DEI Committee

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee meets every first Thursday of the month at 1pm in over zoom. Feel free to reach out to the committee co-chairs by email or using the form below to be added to the committee listserv and other communications channels. 

Current Chairs of Committee

  • Alexandrea Kord
    • Email:
  • Lyndon Batiste
    • Email:


Statement of Purpose

The Emory Libraries Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee supports Emory’s commitment to creating an inclusive environment for federally protected groups and additional historically underrepresented members of our community. 


Our charge is to provide leadership, guidance, and recommendations for 


  • Staff development and training opportunities for library employees 
  • Programming and education for all library users 
  • Outreach to and information exchange with existing campus offices, organizations, collections, and resources  
  • Assessment of library services and space 
  • Best practices around diversity, equity, and inclusion within the scope defined in our official charter

Federally Protected & Additional Historically Underrepresented Groups

The DEI Committee focuses on the needs of protected classes defined by the federal government and Emory University, as well as additional historically underrepresented groups. They include: 


Federal Protected Classes 

Federal law bar discrimination based on: age, disability, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race/color, religion or creed, sex, veteran status, or citizenship. 


Emory University Protected Classes 

In its Equal Opportunity and Discriminatory Harassment Policy, Emory names these federally protected classes and includes additional classes (indicated in bold) around gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation: 


"Emory cannot and will not tolerate discrimination against or harassment of any individual or group based upon race, color, religion, ethnic or national origin, gender, genetic information, age, disability, sexual orientationgender identity, gender expression, veteran’s status, or any factor that is a prohibited consideration under applicable law." 


Other Underrepresented Groups 

In addition to these protected classes, the DEI Committee identified one additional group important on college campuses: first generation students. The committee also recognizes the contributions, experiences, and needs of students who benefit from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) guidelines. 

Themes & Areas of Focus


Through our research, we identified two major themes when it comes to diversity and inclusion in libraries: representation and access. These themes are best worded as questions that our organizations should consider across all operations in the library.  



  • Do users and staff see themselves reflected in our space, staff, and services? 

  • Do our policies articulate our commitment to an inclusive community?  



  • Have we considered the varying needs of different communities when it comes to using our resources and services? 

  • Do staff members have resources to help them navigate issues of diversity and inclusion when working with users, co-workers, and when implementing ideas? 

  • Do students and staff have a way to address their concerns related to diversity and inclusion in our organization? 


Areas of Focus 

While researching the needs of our organization, the DEI Committee identified four areas of focus around which to frame our recommendations. They are: 


Culture and Climate 

Our environment, our space, and the feeling we create for our users and library workers 


Human Resources 

Recruitment, retention, professional development, and staff-facing policies 


User Services 

How we interact with users in-person and online, and our user-facing policies 



How well we represent the various needs and perspectives of users in the development and management of our collections 


Emory Libraries Diversity Statement

Emory Libraries recognize diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values integral to achieving our mission to enrich the quality of life and advance intellectual discovery by connecting people of diverse backgrounds and experiences. We champion an inclusive work environment through competency training, encouragement of personal growth, restorative communication practices, and diverse recruitment and retention. We offer exhibits, collections, programming, and research assistance that speak to the rich needs and identities of patrons from the Emory community and beyond. We embrace opportunities that strengthen these values. We invite you to bring your true self to the library and feel welcomed when you arrive. 

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