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Libraries’ Grants Support Committee


The Libraries Grants Support Committee serves as a resource for individuals or departments looking to submit a grant application to a funding agency; to identify and relay grant opportunities to Libraries’ staff; to be a repository for grant submittals for reference on future applications; to advise on the Libraries’ internal grant program, and to coordinate internally grant submittals by the Emory Libraries with Foundation Relations.

Scope and Activities

In Scope

Out of Scope

Consult on appropriateness of project concept within grant guidelines, including

  • Expertise on foundation trends, giving patterns, priority shifts, terminology
  • Research on foundation(s)
  • Review of previous submittals (successful and unsuccessful) as reference

Dictate the scope of or propose grants for the library

Review of grant applications for completeness (financial, additional departments and activities) and recommendations on how to make submittals stronger (collaborations, project features, etc.)

Final approvals for grant applications

Coordinate with University Librarian’s office for approval to submit Libraries grants

Submission of grant applications to RAS

Coordinate with OSP, RAS and other University units during the application process

Coordinating with Emory departments and divisions once a grant has been awarded

Assist with reporting and compliance requirements

Writing and submitting reports or monitoring grants to ensure compliance

Act as liaison to staff for the Libraries’ Internal Grant Program, including

  • Advertising the program
  • Developing grant proposals with staff
  • Evaluating applications and submitting recommendations to the University Librarian

Final selection of award recipients

Meeting Schedule

Libraries Grants Support Committee members meet at least quarterly (or additionally as needed) to discuss grant opportunities, meet with Libraries staff interested in applying for a grant, develop feedback for grant applications, and develop recommendations for the University Librarian’s office.


Libraries staff may also attend meetings as needed to consult with the Committee about their applications or projects that could benefit from an outside funding source. University staff from relevant units (OSP, RAS) may be invited to join the Committee for informational sessions about their own work.

Membership and Roles


The group is comprised of representatives from Libraries divisions that report to the University Librarian and have direct knowledge of the ability of their division to participate in a grant, or that have expertise in the specifics of a grant application, such as narrative or budget development, and the identification of funding sources.

  1. Head of Research Services, Rose Library, EUL. (Convener)

  2. Director, Development, EUL

  3. Director, Finance & Business Planning, EUL

  4. Director, Library Content, EUL

  5. Director, Library Technologies & Digital Strategies, EUL

  6. Director, Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library, EUL

  7. European/World History and Philosophy Librarian, Services, EUL

  8. Executive Director, Foundation Relations DAR

  9. Manuscript Archivist, Rose Library, EUL


Libraries Grants Support Committee members are approved by their division heads.

Member Roles


  • Communicate the mission and processes of the Committee to Libraries’ staff

  • Share information about upcoming grant opportunities

  • Share information about funded grants in the Libraries

Convener Responsibilities

The convener:

  • Develops agendas

  • Facilitates meetings

  • Coordinates documentation on the Committee’s activities

Group Member Responsibilities

Group members:

  • Attend meetings

  • Volunteer to take on action items developed in meetings

  • Share information on funding opportunities with other Committee members

  • Offer feedback on proposals from Libraries staff

  • Meet one-on-one with Libraries staff who request consultation

  • Facilitate contact between proposers and possible collaborators

  • Participate in project reporting and communications

Decision Making and Quorum

Meeting quorum (minimal attendance to conduct business) requires attendance by a simple majority of the Committee members (at least 50%), plus the convener.

Committee level decisions require a simple majority vote; the convener will note dissenting opinions where consensus is not achieved.

Group Structure

Reports Into

The Committee reports into the Emory Libraries Cabinet, which is the primary functional governance for the Emory Libraries.

Additional Stakeholders/Consultations/Inputs From

  • Consulting staff from RAS

  • Consulting staff from OSP

  • University Librarian

  • Libraries staff proposing a project for grant funding

Communications and Workspaces

  • LIST-SERV/emails:


  • Box space:

    • Libraries Grants Support Committee

  • Quarterly reports to Emory Libraries Cabinet

  • Meeting Minutes

    • Box folder: Libraries Grants Support Committee >Meeting minutes